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Wednesday, November 06, 2002

Physical and mathematical analysis of Pentagon crash

It is physically impossible for all of the plane to have entered the crash site: this is backed by mathematical proof.
There is no evidence outside the building of wreckage to account for the part of the plane which cannot have entered the crash site.
There is no evidence of identifiable wreckage inside the crash site.
Cremation of the plane was unprecedented in aviation history and physically impossible, especially in the context of the modest damage to the wall.
The hole in the back of the third ring cannot be explained by any means other than a missile.
Fake wreckage has been designed and planted with the express purpose of impersonating the American Airlines colour scheme.
Eyewitness evidence is inconclusive and fabricated eyewitness reports have been presented to try to shore up the official story.
Claims that DNA testing identified 63 of the 64 people on board, are mutually exclusive with claims that the plane was cremated, and with the official line on the WTC victims and the Bali bomb victims.

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