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Saturday, March 30, 2013


Sinkhole swallows security guard in Shenzhen, China

CCTV footage captures the moment a security guard in China disappears into a sinkhole which opens up underneath him. People tried to reach the man but he died soon after the accident. Before the collapse, residents in the southern city of Shenzhen had complained of tremors from a nearby construction site.

FLASHBACK - March 5, 2013

A Florida man fell into a sinkhole that opened suddenly beneath the bedroom of his suburban Tampa home, calling out to his brother for help as he fell, the brother said Friday.

"I ran toward my brother's bedroom because I heard my brother scream," Jeremy Bush said. "Everything was gone. My brother's bed, my brother's dresser, my brother's TV. My brother was gone."

Thursday, March 21, 2013


This is one oBook Cover bf the most important books ever written on the clandestine world of the UFO cover-up.

Grant Cameron and Scott Crain do more than demonstrate the reality of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth. 

Through tenacious investigation and impeccable research, they  shine a light into the CIA, NSA, Air Force, Navy, and other inside groups that have managed this secret for decades.

And their conclusion is inescapable and shocking: this is a secret that the insiders themselves struggle to understand and contain.

The authors investigate the key elements behind the secrecy and the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on Earth.

Book: UFOs, Area 51, and Government Informants: A Report on Government Involvement in UFO Crash Retrievals