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Tuesday, April 27, 2004


Another 'hijacker' flight trainer crashes

Yesterday Rudi Dekkers was lucky to survive after his helicopter crashed into a river in Florida -- just 24 hours after AP reported he was about to be arrested by the State Attorney's Office on felony fraud charges. That was the second air crash involving owners of flight schools which trained 9/11 hijackers.
There is a chill wind blowing. Not just because it was the coldest day of the year in Southwest Florida on Friday, but because somebody may be cleaning up a few loose ends from the 9/11 terror attack: the man who ran Huffman Aviation -- the flight school which trained Mohammed Atta -- crashed his FH-1100 helicopter into an ice-cold Caloosahatchee River.

[On July 5, 2002 Arne Kruithof, another Dutchman and owner of Florida Flight Training had another lucky escape when a private plane nose-dived to earth after taking off from the Venice Airport. Mechanical failure was believed to be responsible. There seemed to be a great deal of haste in clearing the wreckage. "The plane was almost immediately dragged off to be compacted even though the FAA hadn't yet determined the cause for the crash," one local aviation observer said.
Kruithof's school trained Siad Al Jarrah, who was on the aircraft which crashed in Pennsylvania on 9th September 2001.

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