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Monday, January 16, 2006


Mystery of Pope's night-time visits to his old haunts

Over the past few weeks, the German pontiff has been seen sneaking back to his old room outside the Vatican.
At about 9pm a plain, dark car carrying 78-year-old Pope Benedict and his private secretary, Don Georg Gaenswein, swirls out of a side door of Vatican city. It then doubles round in the back streets before arriving at his former hall of residence as a cardinal for almost 24 years.
The Pope gets out of the car disguised in the plain black priest's robes he wore when he was the Catholic Church's senior theologian. Wearing a black hat and with his head down, he opens the wooden door and tiptoes inside followed by Gaenswein.
"Its is not a question of just dashing in for a few minutes to grab a bag or a book," La Stampa said. "He spends at least a couple of hours there."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good info