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Monday, April 24, 2006


Separation of Church and State

Laïcité is a prevailing conception of the separation of church and state and the absence of religious interference into government affairs (and vice versa). It implies free exercise of religion, but no special status for religion: religious activities should submit to the same set of laws as other activities and are not considered above the law. The government refrains from taking positions on religious doctrine and only considers religious subjects from their practical consequences on the inhabitants' lives.

The Réseau Voltaire (Voltaire Network) is an international non-profit organisation, based in Paris with offices in London and Lima, which states it aims at promoting liberty and laïcité (separation of church and state).

[The Voltaire Network was founded in the context of a campaign in favour of freedom of speech, which the founders thought was put into jeopardy by new laws enshrined in the French penal code.
After the campaign the association lived on, specialising in the study of far-right movements and religions.
It was vocal notably in preventing the French government from funding the religious part of the Pope's visit to France, and in initiating an investigation of the French Parliament regarding the French far-right militia group DPS. Since 1999, the Réseau Voltaire has dealt with international issues, notably by publishing daily news about the bombings of Serbia by NATO.

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