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Monday, July 30, 2007


The scum always rises

Zoltan Torey (b 1929, Budapest, Hungary)
Psychologist, philosopher, independent scholar and author of autobiographical memoir "Out of Darkness" and "The Crucible of Consciousness"
Broadcast July 2003, repeated LNL 2007-06-15
CLASSIC Late Night Live (ABC Radio, Australia)

PHILIP ADAMS: ... I asked him about his statement that after Hungary declares war on the Soviet, there were scum that took advantage of the situation.

TOREY: Ah yes, the scum is always there. One of the lessons I have learned is that about 90% of the population consists of decent, normal people who mind their own business and who don't want trouble.
Now, 10% is all that is needed to give us permanent trouble.
About one third of it is ideologues. Ideologues, whether they are Marxists, economic rationalists, nazis, communists, makes no difference.
These are people who really believe in the fact that it is some mental model that constitutes reality. And this is what has to be followed, regardless. A bit like the medieval church ... essentially a very dangerous organisation and frame of mind.
The second third of this 10% consists of opportunists. People who are quite willing to cash in on whatever goes and to milk the system and to lord it over us and to push us around and to bring us into situations which are not of our chosing, whether they be wars or economic changes or whatnot.
And a final third of this 10% consists of the thugs. Young men usually, sometimes psychopathic. But basically people prepared to do anybody's dirty work.

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