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Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Court Confirms President's Dictatorial Powers

On July 15, the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit ruled by 5 votes to 4 in the case of Al-Marri v. Pucciarelli [.pdf]
that the president can arrest U.S. citizens and legal residents inside
the United States and imprison them indefinitely, without charge or
trial, based solely on his assertion that they are "enemy combatants."
Have a little think about it, and you'll see that the Fourth Circuit
judges have just endorsed dictatorial powers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How can this even be possible?

Surely every legal institution and civil rights organization -both in the U.S. and abroad- would tear such an act to shreds the moment it reached the public.

This just sounds like fear-mongering to me.