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Monday, February 16, 2009


WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG? After an 8-year-old girl was abused and
murdered by her guardians, the British government put together a new
data base to list the personal details -- including name,
gender, address, and age -- of every child in the country, with
space for "sexual health" information, so that child service
agencies could know who they need to watch out for.
The new 224-million-pound (US$329 million) system will be accessible
to at least 330,000 users spread across at least 150 agencies, and
is scheduled to launch this summer.
The government has responded to security concerns by announcing that
celebrities can apply to keep details of their children out of the
system. Oh, and politicians, too. (London Telegraph)

How about a new law: any law that politicians pass has to apply to
them first. (

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