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Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Massive glowing sphere appears in France

French Police were called by scared residents living in the town of Sarthe. The callers claimed to have seen a huge glowing sphere move through nearby forest and fields.
A police patrol arrived at the scene to see something they will undoubtedly never forget. A huge glowing Sphere hovering over the ground at a height of less than one meter.
The sphere was larger than a car and moved towards the police vehicles. The police drew their guns and were afraid that the UFO might impact their cars. In retrospect they noted there was no evidence of any hostile intent at all.
As the UFO moved towards the cars it interfered with the vehicle electrics and headlights while its own incredibly intense glow further brightened, illuminating the entire area. The object then shot away.
The police later described the object as a silent, smooth sphere of light with no doors, windows or vents.

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