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Thursday, March 10, 2005


Bush administration officials block prosecution of Sudanese war criminals

In early February, members of the Bush administration were sneaking around the UN in an effort to block the prosecution of Sudanese officials responsible for the continuing slaughter of innocent men, women and children in that country.
Why? Because these prosecutions would take place in the International Criminal Court and the Bushies don't want to legitimize that court.
Why? Because the Bushies are afraid that, because of their actions, they might be dragged in front of that court. Of course, they state that they're concerned about 'Americans being prosecuted,' but let's get real. The only 'Americans' they're trying to protect are themselves.

"Democracies have certain things in common. They have a rule of law, and protection of minorities, a free press, and a viable political opposition." – George W. Bush to Vlad Putin

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