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Sunday, March 20, 2005


Capitol Hill blue: American Hitler

Call me a Bush-basher if you want. I don’t give a damn. If you still support this madman check yourself into the nearest psychiatric hospital for shock therapy. Somebody has to stand up against this American Hitler, this destroyer of freedom, this Devil with a drawl.

No President has done more to destroy freedom in America. His first Heinrich Himmler, the bible-thumping, tight-assed John Ashcroft, threw Americans in jail without cause and denied them due process while ignoring the Constitution with the rights-robbing USA Patriot Act.

Bush’s new Himmler, new attorney general Albertto Gonzales, promises to take jack-booted thuggery to new highs, prosecuting citizens for watching dirty movies and pushing for more spying on American citizens while calling the Constitution an “outdated document.”

Meanwhile, the brain-fried Republican lemmings who lick Dubya’s ass and boots and proclaim his mythical greatness apparently relish the destruction of America while wrapping themselves in faux-patriotism and claiming that anyone who doesn’t follow their madness in absolute lockstep is un-American and un-patriotic.

Horseshit. These people are the real traitors to America and should be treated as such. They have sold out their country in the name of political power and greed, willing to sacrifice what’s best for the nation in order to maintain control and push their narrow-minded, Puritanical agenda on a numb populace.

American Hitler, by Doug Thompson.

Doug Thompson realized the value of capturing history 46 years ago as a 10-year-old schoolboy in Farmville, Virginia, when the community, caught up in a fight over integration, closed the public schools and opened an all-white private school. Thompson wrote about his experiences and submitted his story and photos to The Farmville Herald,the local newspaper. His article and photos were picked up by other newspapers around he country. He developed other photo stories the paper and a journalism career was born.

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