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Thursday, September 22, 2005


Hunger strikers pledge to die in Guantánamo

More than 200 detainees in Guantánamo Bay are in their fifth week of a hunger strike, the Guardian has been told.
Statements from prisoners in the camp which were declassified by the US government on Wednesday reveal that the men are starving themselves in protest at the conditions in the camp and at their alleged maltreatment.
The statements show that prisoners are determined to starve themselves to death.
In one, Binyam Mohammed, a former London schoolboy, said: "I do not plan to stop until I either die or we are respected.


Dozens of detainees have joined a hunger strike at the Guantanamo Bay prison camp, bringing the number refusing food to 128, US officials say.
Eighteen prisoners have been hospitalised, including 13 who are being tube-fed.
Lawyers for the detainees say they are demanding release or immediate trial.
This is the latest in a series of hunger strikes since 2002 by detainees, who are held at the facility on Cuba as part of the US war on terror.
Lawyers for the detainees said as many as 200 were involved in the protest.
Many of the inmates have been held without charge for more than three years. A hunger strike in July ended when the Pentagon agreed to talk to inmates.
The prison at Guantanamo holds about 500 prisoners from nearly 40 countries.

Eighteen prisoners are in medical facilities forcibly receiving nutrition intravenously or through nasal tubes, Pentagon officials said.

[The prisoners follow in the long tradition of hunger-strikers from Gandhi to Bobby Sands. Their demands are simple. They want the ability to challenge the terms of their imprisonment in court.]

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