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Wednesday, September 21, 2005


US media hails martial law general in New Orleans

In search of reassurance, the media has latched onto an unlikely hero—the US Army general who is overseeing what amounts to martial law in New Orleans, directing thousands of heavily armed troops in this largely deserted American city littered with floating corpses.
The media is systematically promoting Lt. Gen. Russel Honore. He is portrayed as the antidote to the miserable incompetence and negligence exhibited by every level of government in the first four days following the hurricane, when the poor, the elderly, the sick and infant children were left literally to die in the streets without aid.

[Military takeovers of government are welcomed, initially. The military is seen as "able to get things done" and as less susceptible to corruption than the civilian government.  Was the incompetence by FEMA deliberate?]

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