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Thursday, December 15, 2005


Alibi Network helps people keep their secrets for a small fee

"We provide excuses.  For instance, doctor's call from the doctor's office, with the actual doctor's office on the caller ID.
If they choose to call to verify, we could make the number appear to be a doctor's office when it's actually going to our call center.
"Our main concern here is basically helping people get away with extramarital affairs, relationships.  We also help people with their image.  If they want to be pursued as somebody more important than they are, to impress somebody, we handle that.
"We provide phone numbers from anyplace in the world.  Again, the Caller I.D. will state whatever the client wants it to state, and we do it quite well.
"We believe here at Alibi Network, that if we're doing this, we are saving marriages.  The divorce rate -- even if the divorce rate could go just a percentage lower than it is, then our job was well done because of the fact that people are not finding out.  They move on with their life, and their family life remains the same, untouched."

[From the boardroom to the bedroom -- and including government mendacity -- lies, untruths and 'faulty intelligence' are now the widely accepted way of conducting human affairs.]

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