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Thursday, July 27, 2006


Dr James Zogby on the Middle East conflict

TONY JONES: OK. But it appears that the Israelis appear to have come to the conclusion that it is only Iran that can effectively disarm Hezbollah or even tell them what to do and that conclusion has also been reached in the United States, in Washington, by a number of very influential neo-conservatives like William Kristol. He is already suggesting that the US now take this opportunity to strike at Iran's nuclear facilities. What do you think would happen if that were the case; if the United States or, indeed, Israel struck out at Iran?

DR JAMES ZOGBY, ARAB AMERICAN INSTITUTE PRESIDENT: Well, you know, the infantile fantasies of the neo-conservatives have brought great destruction to Iraq and I would add to our country in the Middle East.
Lord spare us from any more of their fantasies. They're a dangerous crew. They're about as dangerous as the ayatollahs. I think a strike against Iran would open the gates of hell for everybody in the Middle East and, frankly speaking, all of the footsteps of terrorism in the Middle East go directly back to Tehran. There's no question about that.
But these morons - and I use that term advisedly - led us into Iraq and only served the purpose of emboldening and strengthening Iran, giving them unleashed power in Iran - sorry in Iraq and they pose now a greater threat in the Gulf region.
There is an absolute need to deal with Iran, but at this point in time with 130,000 US troops in the middle of majority Shiah country, with Lebanon in flames, with Iran emboldened, the last thing we need to do is to envision a war against Iran that I believe would cause grave damage throughout the entire Persian Gulf on both the Arab side and the Iranian side, leading to a greater destabilisation in that broader region.
If Iran crumbles, and it very well might crumble if in fact a war were to occur, the spill-over into several neighbouring countries would be enormous. Even a more dangerous situation than what we are currently seeing in Iraq. I do not believe, as the neo-conservatives do, in creative chaos. In fact what they have brought us is nothing creative. Just chaos. We don't need more of that.

[ABC TV Lateline, broadcast: 26/07/2006]

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