Sea levels will rise by several metres by the end of the century due to rapidly increasing greenhouse gas concentrations, according to research by a group of esteemed international scientists. Led by James Hansen from NASA's Goddard Institute, the group warns that the Earth is 'perilously' close to entering a new era of dangerous runaway climate change.
The peer-reviewed paper predicts that humans have less than ten years to make substantial reductions in global greenhouse gas emissions to avoid dangerous climate change. The West Antarctic ice sheet in particular is dangerously sensitive, with the potential to add over five metres to global sea levels within two centuries when collapsed.
"This paper spells devastation for Australia," said Matthew Wright, lead spokesman for Beyond Zero Emissions. "The impact of the predicted sea level rise will have cataclysmic effects for the millions of Australians in coastal communities around the nation. The events in New South Wales recently are just a small taste of what's to come."