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Sunday, February 03, 2008


Roswell coverup exposed (again) by deathbed confession

Lieutenant Walter Haut was the public relations officer at the Roswell Airbase in 1947.
Now, following his detah, a sworn affidavit was released which asserts that the weather balloon claim was a cover story and that the real object had been recovered by the military and stored in a hangar.
He described seeing not just a metallic egg-shaped object (around 4m long and 2m wide) but alien bodies. They are described in his statement as about 1.2m tall, with disproportionately large heads.
Haut concludes: "I am convinced that what I personally observed was some kind of craft and its crew from outer space".

Haut's affidavit talks about a high-level meeting he attended with base commander Col William Blanchard and the Commander of the Eighth Army Air Force, General Roger Ramey.  Haut states that at this meeting, pieces of wreckage were handed around for participants to touch, with nobody able to identify the material.

Haut also spoke about a clean-up operation, where for months afterwards military personnel scoured both crash sites searching for all remaining pieces of debris, removing them and erasing all signs that anything unusual had occurred.

A US Air Force report concluded claims that bodies were recovered were generated by people having seen crash test dummies that were dropped from the balloons.

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