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Wednesday, August 13, 2003


Life and death on the street

I think about these people who died without homes in LA. Then I think about how, on the opposite side of the country, in DC, the American president lives in a big white mansion. This middle aged president and his wife are wealthy and their college-going daughters will be wealthy. The president is the son of a president and a woman who were both born into wealth. These generations — grandparents, parents and children — have fed and will feed on the bodies of the men and women who die for them in their obscenely expensive foreign wars. They feed on the bodies of the men and women who work month after month, year after year to pay taxes so that the wealthy receiving massive tax cuts from the President will not have to pay taxes. They feed on the homeless, devouring money that could be used to house, feed and care for those sick in mind and body with nowhere else to go. They fed on John Doe who had only $1.22 when he died. They fed on Jane Doe, whose dying request was for some tomatoes.
And the life cycle of the maggots continues…

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