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Thursday, August 14, 2003


Family video may show discarnate entity

Trevor Garvin was using the family video camcorder to film a panoramic sweep of the Belfast Lough shoreline when his wife Christina thought she glimpsed something odd out of the corner of her eye.
It was only when the family ran the video on the television back home that they saw what appeared to be a ghost walking past them along a pathway. The figure appears on the tape as a white outline, transparent at first, but with the benefit of slow-motion replays various features can be made out.
"When you slow it down, it's pretty impressive stuff," Christina said. "He turns his head towards us and you can see his elbows moving as he walks."
Warren Coates from the Northern Ireland Paranormal Research Association said "I would say it is a residual haunting, strange phenomena that are recordings in time. He is walking left to right (across the screen) and you can see its upper arms moving. It's not going to rock the paranormal world, but it will generate an awful lot of interest."

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