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Wednesday, March 17, 2004


Diebold, electronic voting and the vast right-wing conspiracy

If Ohio’s Republican Secretary of State Kenneth Blackwell has his way, Diebold will receive a contract to supply touch screen electronic voting machines for much of the state. None of these Diebold machines will provide a paper receipt of the vote.
Diebold, located in North Canton, Ohio, does its primary business in ATM and ticket-vending machines. Critics of Diebold point out that virtually every other machine the company makes -- ATMs and ticket vending machines -- provides a paper trail to verify the machine’s calculations. Oddly, only the voting machines lack this essential function.
Proponents of a paper trail were emboldened when Athan Gibbs, President and CEO of TruVote International, demonstrated a voting machine at a vendor’s fair in Columbus that provides two separate voting receipts. Mr Gibbs died in a car crash earlier this month.

[Diebold’s current CEO Walden "Wally" O’Dell, is on record stating that he is "committed to helping Ohio deliver its electoral votes to the President" this year.]

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