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Tuesday, March 30, 2004


Lies and character assassination are hallmarks of Team Bush

FBI translator Sibel Edmonds charged before some '50 reporters and 12 television cameras,' following yesterday's depositions to the 9/11 commission, that she was offered a 'substantial raise and a full time job to encourage her not to go public that she had been asked by the Department of Justice (DOJ) to retranslate and adjust the translations of [terrorist] subject intercepts that had been received before September 11, 2001, by the FBI and CIA.'
"Attorney General John Ashcroft told me he was invoking 'State Secret Privilege and National Security' when I told the FBI I wanted to go public with what I had translated from the pre 9-11 intercepts."
And what was in her original translations that Ashcroft wanted suppressed? 'My translations of the pre 9-11 intercepts included [terrorist] money laundering, detailed and date specific information enough to alert the American people, and other issues dating back to 1999 which I won't go into right now'.

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