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Thursday, March 04, 2004


Time can be turned back

On January 27, 1995, American and British scientists who were conducting investigations in Antarctica noticed some spinning gray fog in the sky over the pole which they believed to be just ordinary particles. However, the gray fog did not change form nor move over time.
US physicist Mariann McLein said the researchers launched a weather balloon with equipment to register wind speed, temperature and air moisture. But the weather balloon soared upwards and immediately disappeared.
In a little while, the researchers brought the weather balloon back to the ground by its tether and were shocked to see that a chronometer aboard the weather balloon displayed the date as January 27, 1965, the same day 30 years ago.
The experiment was repeated several times after the researchers found out the equipment was in good repair. But each time the watch was back it displayed the past time. The phenomenon was called 'the time gate' and was reported to the White House.

[There is a deal of doubt as to the existence of a US physicist named Mariann McLein. Pravda RU appears to be turning into an east bloc National Enquirer/News of the World.]

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