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Saturday, October 23, 2004


The animal's blue-grey skin is almost hairless and appears to be covered with mange. A closer look at the animal's jaw line reveals a serious overbite and four huge canine teeth, and a long, rat-like tail curls behind the animal's emaciated frame.

Another Texas Chupacabra?

Local animal experts are having a hard time identifying a strange looking animal killed in Angelina County on Friday.

Large dogs in the yard "went nuts" and alerted the family, but would only whine and wouldn't go under the house with the animal. Soon after being shot it was necrotic, its tissue just rotted -- like something that had been dead for a month or so. It had no hair, a severe overbite and its claws were entirely too long for a dog. The animal's front legs were much smaller than it's hind legs, and that despite it's overall ghoulish appearance, it's extremely long canine teeth were in excellent condition. Also, despite having been shot, there was virtually no blood seeping from the animal's carcass. The animal's ear also "broke like a cookie" when it's head was held up for a photograph. The animal was male and weighed between 15 and 20 pounds.

an animal that looks eerily similar to the as yet unidentified 'Elmendorf Beast' killed near San Antonio earlier this year.
A rancher from Elmendorf, located southeast of San Antonio, killed the animal after 35 of his chickens disappeared in one day. The animal was also almost hairless, with blue-grey coloring and four large fangs. The station reported that tissue from the animal has been sent for DNA testing, and that it will be several more weeks before the tests are completed.

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