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Tuesday, October 05, 2004


Sleepwalking with John Howard - Election 2004

'Prime Minister,' a journalist asked at a press conference at the Brisbane Sheraton on Tuesday, 'Tony Blair has told a meeting of the Labour Party in Britain that politicians aren't always able to tell the truth. Do you agree with this statement?'
In a sublime moment, the great organist pulled his head up and replied authoritatively: 'I always tell the truth.'
And as he said it, he slowly scanned the journalists around him, as if daring someone to take issue with him. No one did. For a moment there was a hint of something at the edges of his mouth - was it a smirk, a smile? - but Howard is too disciplined to allow himself any public displays of smugness, and within a question he had the conference on to Medicare and from there, in half a sentence, to interest rates.

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