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Thursday, October 28, 2004


Dover Air Force Base insider puts the lie to Bush’s 'no draft' promise

“In the months before the war, we knew it was coming. The morgue usually keeps a few hundred body bags on hand and in a matter of weeks we had received nearly 5,000. Now obviously we still have a lot of those, but then last week another shipment of at least that many more arrived. I was talking with some buddies and we figure the morgue is now stocked with enough materials to handle another 9/11 and all the causalities so far in Iraq, times two!.
Well obviously somebody thinks we’re going to see a sharp rise in the number of bodies coming back. But that’s not everything. The whole base is ramping up like we’re either getting ready for a second war or we’re going to be deploying a whole lot more troops to Iraq."

“Bottom line, the brass around Dover all had these funny smirks last week after Bush promised that he would not reinstate the draft. I saw regulars (Air Force Personnel) cleaning up some old barracks. Either we’re getting a shitload of new recruits or… "

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