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Sunday, September 14, 2003


Mobiles 'make you senile'

Mobile phones and the new wireless technology could cause a 'whole generation' of today's teenagers to go senile in the prime of their lives, new research suggests.
The study - which warns specifically against "the intense use of mobile phones by youngsters" - comes as research on their health effects is being scaled down, due to industry pressure. It is likely to galvanise concern about the almost universal exposure to microwaves in Western countries.
Previous studies proved radiation could open the blood-brain barrier, allowing a protein called albumin to pass into the brain. This latest work goes a step further, by showing the process is linked to serious brain damage.
Meanwhile, Mays Swicord, a scientific adviser to Motorola told New Scientist magazine that governments and industry should "stop wasting money" by looking for health damage.

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