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Sunday, September 14, 2003


It's official, Australian PM is an "a***-licker"

In June this year the Bulletin magazine reported Federal Labor frontbencher Mark Latham describing Prime Minister John Howard as an arse-licker while the PM was visiting the US.
But now it's official. During the Parliamentary sitting of 9/11 this year the PM said during a memorial speech that:
"The reality is that, whatever people may think of the United States, it has always been a force for liberty, decency, freedom and openness in the affairs of the world. ...[I]f the world is to have a superpower, would we wish it to be other than a country that aspires to and endeavours to practise the values of the United States?" [Hansard transcripts]

The speech was memorable for a verbal threat from the public gallery. On the televised session of parliament that night, the disturbance was heard to be a man who could be heard to repeatedly say "I warned you Howard". Mr Howard casually turned the disturbance around -- as Hansard reported:

An incident having occurred in the gallery—
The SPEAKER—Order! Remove that man from the gallery.
Mr HOWARD—One thing can be said: the terrorists have not denied this country free speech. It is a remarkable thing and it is something that is worth preserving and defending, consistent with taking all necessary steps to protect ourselves against attacks. The other thing I want to do, particularly on behalf of the Australian people, is to extend our very warm thoughts towards our friends in the United States.

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