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Wednesday, November 05, 2003


Race to save new victims of child porn

Computer file sharing has sent paedophile demand for real-time images soaring. But police can often only watch as children grow older and continue to be abused.
Detectives rely on two methods of tracing location: electronic footprints left by the user while online and forensic analysis of the images to find clues pointing to the country of origin, such as telephone books in the background or the style of furnishings. In some cases, often where the child is being held prisoner and abused in a completely blank room, there are not enough leads for police to chase. One case being investigated involves a prepubescent girl who is being held prisoner in a room and repeatedly abused. International law enforcement agencies know only that she is in the United States and the FBI is trying to pinpoint her exactlocation. New images of the child are shared through KaZaA and other services but police have been unable to find her.

[EU elite are filthy pigs, says Bossi: Italy's reform minister, Umberto Bossi said the European Union's elite are "filthy pigs" who wanted to "make paedophilia as easy as possible".]

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