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Tuesday, November 25, 2003


Michael Jackson story is a plot

U.S. president George W. Bush and his posse, along with their pals in the boardrooms of Big Media, may have hatched a scheme to dumb down the nation so that they can inflict their will upon the world while American voters are transfixed on "Bachelor Bob" burning the beef on the barbecue.
How else to explain last Thursday's orgy of Michael Jackson coverage on CNN — hours of choppercam shots of airport runways and police station parking lots — on the day that Bush was being trashed in effigy in London, 27 people were killed and 400 injured by truck bombs in Turkey, a U.S.-Canada task force report on the causes of August's massive blackout was released and who knows how many U.S. troops were becoming casualties in Iraq?
Was CNN merely pandering to the stupid for commercial reasons — or deliberately avoiding the news? Have the networks run so far from serious reportage on domestic, economic and international affairs that they no longer know how to do anything but scandal?
Or — and here comes my conspiracy theory — is there something else afoot, and people are too catatonic to recognize it?

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