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Wednesday, February 25, 2004


Bush, cocaine and an unpleasant discharge

During the second week of February 2004, press secretary Scott McClellan defended President Bush’s spotty National Guard service record by stolidly repeating the mantra that Bush had met his National Guard obligations. However veteran journalist Helen Thomas opened up a new line of questioning that must have given McClellan an eerie sense of being trapped in a time-warp.
She asked: Did the President ever have to take time off from Guard duty to do community service? McClelland's efforts to kill the line of questioning is almost comic.
The same article says three sources told biographer J. H. Hatfield that Bush was performing community service on the orders of a judge.
A Yale classmate said, 'George W. was arrested for possession of cocaine in 1972, but due to his father's connections, the entire record was expunged by a state judge whom the older Bush helped get elected. It was one of those 'behind closed doors in the judges' chambers' kind of thing between the old man and one of his Texas cronies who owed him a favor ... There's only a handful of us that know the truth.'

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