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Wednesday, February 11, 2004


Elders tell HIV man to have sex with 9yo virgin

Men in the arid, remote Kenyan town of Isiolo have long had sex with young virgins to purge themselves of afflictions or curses.
Now the age-old custom practised by the nomadic peoples of Kenya's north-eastern province is increasingly being used as a 'cure' for HIV and Aids.
Nassir hesitantly admits he slept with a nine-year-old girl because the clan elders in Isiolo, 200km north-east of Nairobi, said it would rid him of frequent bouts of illness brought on by HIV.
'I was given a girl of nine years to sleep with for a week,' Nassir said. 'I took pity on her but if it wasn't for this disease I wouldn't have slept with her. I had to do what the elders had said.'

Father pushes five young daughters off bridge

A poverty-stricken villager pushed five of his daughters off a bridge into the swirling waters of the Naramada river in the western Indian state of Gujarat, police said on Friday.
The Press Trust of India news agency quoted local police chief AV Vasava as saying that Salim Ghulam Hussain hurled his daughters, all aged less than seven, from the Jadeshwar bridge into the fast moving Narmada on Thursday.
Hussain was on the run while his distraught wife told the police her husband "was fed up with life" as the family could not make ends meet.

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