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Tuesday, February 03, 2004


Militarization of space contravenes international COPUOS agreement

According to the Space Commands Strategic Master Plan, by 2025, the US will have developed the capability to strike any target on Earth within minutes. The Pentagon's Star Wars weapons include laser-armed satellites. Also on the drawing board are un-manned satellite gunships that would smash earthly targets with non-explosive tungsten rods. Such projectiles would be so hard and traveling so fast that they could penetrate and destroy a four-story underground bunker.
Sean OKeefe, the former navy secretary and current chief of NASA, has said that every NASA mission from now on will be dual use (have both military and civilian purposes at the same time).
The legal impediment to the U.S. conquest of space was overcome in 2001 when President George W. Bush canceled the 1972 Anti-Ballistic Missile treaty with Russia, which prohibited the testing of space-based anti-ballistic missiles.
In January 1967, a treaty drafted by the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS) was signed by the US -- and the British, French, Soviets, and Spanish. The treaty forbade any activity that could harmfully interfere with the peaceful space activities of other countries, including the deployment of orbital WMDs, the establishment of military bases on the moon, or the testing of any type of weapons in outer space.

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