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Tuesday, February 03, 2004


Tokyo calls for ban on sale of used schoolgirls' knickers

Japanese use the term rori-kon, for Lolita Complex, to describe the widespread obsession with schoolgirls among the country's male population, who pay about £200 for sex with them.
"Compensated dating" -- the euphemism used by teens for prostitution -- is recognised as a nationwide phenomenon, with girls often using the money to buy goods such as Burberry scarves and Louis Vuitton handbags.
This month Officials in Tokyo sought to stop men buying schoolgirls' used underwear as the city tackles teenage prostitution.
By-laws will be amended to prohibit sex shops from buying underwear and other clothing from girls under 16 for resale to men. The shops also sell swimsuits, gym knickers and schoolgirl uniforms, which resemble sailor outfits.

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