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Wednesday, May 05, 2004


Rant on US news coverage of prisoner abuse

It is remarkable how the US press allows themselves to be manipulated by the government. When the Abu Ghuraib [Gharib] story broke, Bush just issued a statement that he was disgusted, taking no responsibility. The headlines the next day? 'Bush Disgusted by Photos.' The proper headline would have been 'Permanent Damage to US Image in Muslim World; Bush Fires No One.'

Abu Ghuraib prisoners speak of 'torture'
One of the released detainees who was forced to pose naked in a human pyramid has told Aljazeera that the acts committed against them were so horrible that he still could not get himself to speak about most of it.
Bremer 'knew of abuse in November'
Former Iraqi human rights minister Abdel Basset Turki said today US overseer Paul Bremer knew in November that Iraqi prisoners were being abused in US detention centres.
"In November I talked to Mr Bremer about human rights violations in general and in jails in particular. He listened but there was no answer. At the first meeting, I asked to be allowed to visit the security prisoners, but I failed," Turki said.