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Monday, May 17, 2004


Curveball informer had Chalabi connections

From the April 11 edition of NBC's 'Meet the Press:

"The Los Angeles Times has now come forward with the following story. 'Iraqi Defector's Tales Bolstered U.S. Case for War.' And it says, 'The Bush administration's prewar claims that Saddam had built a fleet of trucks and railroad cars to produce anthrax and other deadly germs were based chiefly on information from a now-discredited Iraqi defector code-named `Curveball,' according to current and former intelligence officials. ...
Based largely on his account, President Bush and his aides repeatedly warned of the shadowy germ trucks, dubbed `Winnebagos of Death,' `Hell on Wheels' and they became a crucial part of the White House case for war -- including Colin Powell's dramatic presentation to the United Nations'.
'Only later, U.S. officials said, did the CIA learn that the defector was the brother of Ahmed Chalabi's top aides, and begin to suspect that he might have been coached to provide false information.'"

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