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Monday, May 31, 2004


The glamorous Meyrav Wurmser is a director of the Center for Middle East Policy and a senior fellow and former executive director of the Middle East Media Research Institute.
An expert in the Middle East, she is part of a neo-conservative family. Her husband David is special assistant to Undersecretary of State John Bolton and a member of the American Enterprise Institute -- a highly aggressive and well-supported right-wing think tank.
She is, along with a former Colonel in Israeli intelligence, the co-founder of a charity which monitors the Arab media for anti-semitic opinions.
Ms Wurmser was among a group of neo-conservatives who wrote a report intended as advice for the then incoming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1996.
The report, called "Rebuilding Zionism" called for a clean break with the Middle East peace process and talked about "rolling back Syria".
It also spoke about removing Saddam Hussein from power.
Other signatories of that report included Richard Perle, David Wurmser and Douglas Feith - who is now number three at the Pentagon.

Ms Wurmser appeared on Lateline (Australia, 31 May) to answer claims by Amnesty International that the US had lost its moral compass in the fight against terrorism.

Her demeanor and responses were interesting: She said what had occurred at Abu Ghraib was not torture and that everyone needed to get things in perspective.
She said the invasion of Iraq was NOT about WMDs but freedom and democracy.
She also dealt with a citations from journalist Seymour Hersch by laughing and saying he was not a respectable source.
She was also questioned on 'disgraced' Brigadeer Janice Kapinsky's claim that the section of the prison where the torture and abuse was occuring appeared to be run by mysterious plain-clothed men who visited frequently.
Ms Wurmser arched an eyebrow and stated in even tones that the Brigadeer also, was an unreliable source.

Tonight's stories should appear here in about 8 hours.

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