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Thursday, May 20, 2004


Top 10 reasons some think Berg beheading was psychological black operation courtesy CIA

1) Hooded executioner identified as 'Al-Zarqawi' within minutes. Others say he lacked a Jordanian accent.
2) There was no blood spurting from neck. Experts noticed the obvious lack of blood spurting from any neck artery which should accompany a beheading - there was none.
3) Video apparently from the same director who did the previous phony Bin Laden Video with the admittedly fake Bin Laden.
4) Berg worked at the Abu Ghraib prison.
5) The link to Moussaoui (referred to as the 20th hijacker in the 911 event). Moussaoui emailed something from Berg's laptop two years ago.
6) Berg had a mysterious Israeli passport stamp.
7) Berg had sensitive electronic equipment on his person that he had no paperwork for.
8) Berg travelled the world helping the disadvantaged?
9) What is a jew doing as a freelancer in the apocalyptic war torn Jew hating Iraq? Does he have a death wish? Is he mentally retarded? Nope, He's a US government agent - and a patsy.
10) Bergs father thinks it's the US Gov killed his son - and not abstractly so either.

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