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Thursday, June 17, 2004


Why we need martial law

John Kaminski believes a criminal government is destroying America and that the military must step in to restore Constitution

Our government is out of control. The elections are rigged. The Congress is completely bought off. The White House administration is a gang of criminals who are stealing the nation blind. There is no proper accountability from any department of government. And the United States is conducting two major wars, irresponsibly squandering the lives of our young people, for reasons that everyone in the world knows are lies.
People are being jailed for no reason, illegally tortured while in custody and deprived of due process. Innocent families around the world are being humiliated and killed for no legitimate reason. Our law enforcement apparatus — corrupt courts and cops — are failing to stop obvious crimes committed by the very rich, and assaulting ordinary citizens trying in a lawful manner to protest these injustices.

The American government is criminal enterprise, and American law enforcement is complicit in the crime. The only way to stop the continuing crime spree is by a military takeover and a declaration of martial law. Hundreds of cops, attorneys and judges need to be in jail.

Children trained to accept Martial Law conditions.
Photos taken close to Nellis Air Force Baseshow what appears to be some kind of concentration camp.

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