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Monday, June 28, 2004


Democracy needs to be re-constructed after Bush

“The current incumbents may do severe, perhaps irreparable, damage if given another hold on power-a very slim hold, but one they will use to achieve very ugly and dangerous ends. In a very powerful state, small differences may translate into very substantial effects on the victims, at home and abroad. It is no favor to those who are suffering, and may face much worse ahead, to overlook these facts. Keeping the Bush circle out means holding one's nose and voting for some Democrat, but that's not the end of the story. The basic culture and institutions of a democratic society have to be constructed, in part reconstructed, and defeat of an extremely dangerous clique in the presidential race is only one very small component of that.” -- Noam Chomsky

["The danger of the Chomsky approach is that it isolates Bush from the history of US imperialism, viewing Bush's policies as something exclusive to the current administration. The real failure I contend, lies with the Left." -- William Bowles]

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