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Thursday, October 16, 2003


What's that thumping in west Seattle?

What on earth - or more accurately, what 'under' the earth - was causing a strange thumping sound in west Seattle on Saturday night?
The noise was loud enough and had the ground vibrating enough to have people concerned and saying, what is that?
A number of departments - the water department, Seattle city engineers, Puget Sound Energy - tried to figure out what the noise was and where it was coming from. None would go on camera to offer any kind of an explanation. One theory was that the noise was coming from a rented sewer running under the city.

[From, Oct 22 1994:
Q: (L) We would like to have comments on the thumping noises reportedly heard off the coast of California? A: Expansion of base.
Q: (L) What kind of base? A: It's a transfer center...
Q: (L) And what was the thumping? A: They are expanding it.
Q: (L) Is it construction work? A: Yes except that they are using sound waves to disintegrate rock in the crust under the ocean. This disintegration causes the atomic structure of the particles being disintegrated to completely disappear which has something to do with why those sounds are heard in that particular rhythm.

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